Friday, July 13, 2007

American Idol

Well, this was my first experience at a real concert (I don't think going to Kenny G with my Dad counts)
The girl talk was fun. The concert was fun except for the sound. The lady plugging her ears through almost the whole performance was hilarious. Hailey and Sanjaya need to go away to the "Polynesian Islands" and never come back. "Blake's da Bomb g", in the words of a dear friend. I loved him even more last nite, he is a great performer and very talented. I didn't like Chris Richardson at all during the season, but he grew on me at the performance last night. Phil Stacy was great too! Jordin and Melinda seem like really great people. If I get to go next year, I hope they get a new sound guy, it was excruciating at some points. Thanks for the FUN girls!


Meredith said...

Yeah! I think I'll just let everyone else post about the trip and I'll just so a post telling everyone to read y'alls!! The old granny is cracking me up!!!!!!

Scarlett said...

Keane is a really good band. I've got some of their stuff. Blake is so cool!

Julie Young said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast. I agree with the Sanjaya and Haley comment. They need to go.
Blake is my favorite also.

Anonymous said...

so glad you went. i'll post the long awaited sanjaya pic when i get home....I'm in bham until Tuesday!